Therefore, the index position is changed so that ! is placed at 5 instead of 4. In this way, the operation is changed by the previous operation, so the next operation must be transformed. This is operational transformation OT technology. To summarize, all changes are recorded -> transmitted to the server -> sequentially executed -> given to the client. Problems with OT method Due to this behavior, OT has a disadvantage: once a user submits a modification to the server, there is no way to directly link it with other users. This is because there must be a server that performs the transformation. So, the problem with OT is that it requires a centralized server/DB. In this structure, overload can occur when people flock. However, CRDT does not require a centralized server. There are no restrictions on which network or communication you choose.
Therefore it is said to be used not only for collaborative
Applications, but also for DB systems operated geographically apart between data centers Malaysia WhatsApp Number Data such as Redis Enterprise. How Conflict-Free-Replicated Data Types (CRDT) Work The definition of CRDT is ‘when any change is received, the state is the same as long as the changes are the same, regardless of the order.’ In OT, the order is important, and in CRDT, the order does not matter and as long as the operation is the same, even if it is out of order, it will be in the same state. Let me explain with an example. I said earlier that OT uses an index, but the index changes. CRDT views each object as a unique value to avoid this problem. Therefore, when text is added, a new unique value is created and entered. For example, if unique values are numbers between 0 and 1, With L and ! entered in the same way, Even if simultaneous editing is performed, conflicts will not occur because unique values are determined during the merging process.
CRDT can perform this technology without having
Wait for a server response. Communication may not be directly affected by the network Netherlands phone data because it produces the same result whether it is done on the server or merged directly on the server. Problems with CRDT method However, even CRDT has some behavior that is not perfect. This is an example, but when two letters are merged, a strangely mixed word is created. As mentioned before, when each letter has a unique (numeric) value, the independent letters are merged by a randomized value. Unfortunately, when you align the letters of alice and charlie, they come out as strange letters. Algorithm techniques that complement CRDT problems There are various algorithmic techniques to solve these problems. Learn more about CRDT Additionally, there is a development blog that actually applies CRDT in the design program ‘Figma’, and I recommend it because it has good content. You can also check out a demo of an application using CRDT at yorkie . By using Channel Talk’s various customer information.